Our Mission

We impact systems and communities by advancing programs that promote equitable access and humane treatment for all who interact with the criminal legal system.

Read More about Our Mission


Our Programs



Diversion Icon


Pre-trial Adult Diversion Programs provide a path out of the traditional criminal court processes of plea, trial, conviction, and sentencing, while promoting community safety.

Learn About Adult Diversion

Bridges Icon


Competency programs serves defendants with mental health needs, prioritizing those for whom a question of competency to proceed has been raised.

Learn About Competency

Problem Solving Courts Icon

Problem Solving Courts

Problem-Solving Courts integrate criminal justice case processing with behavioral health treatment for high-risk high-need individuals.

Learn About Problem Solving Courts

Restorative Justice Icon

Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice programs focus on rehabilitation of through reconciliation with victims and the community at large

Learn About Restorative Justice


Frequently Asked Questions

Statewide resources are available for people involved or who may become involved in the criminal legal system.

I have a mental health or substance use problem and need help. Someone I know needs help. How can I help?

Colorado Crisis Services and 988: Colorado Crisis Services is the statewide system offering mental health, substance use or emotional crisis help, information and referrals. Services are free, confidential, immediate, and 24/7/365. Mental health professionals and peer specialists are available via phone, text, or in-person at walk-in centers. Colorado Crisis Services is a starting place if you don’t know where to begin getting help. For more information, refer to the Colorado Crisis Services, call 1-844-493-8255, or text “talk” to 38255. You can also call 988 or refer to 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline to connect with counselors for emotional support and other services via phone or web chat, 24/7 across the U.S.

OwnPath: The Behavioral Health Administration’s searchable care directory for specific services or through a guided search to identify licensed providers or resources to meet your needs. Refer to OwnPath.

IMatter (for Youth): The Behavioral Health Administration’s IMatter program can connect youth with a therapist for up to 6 free virtual confidential counseling sessions (some in-person appointments available, too). Talking with someone can make you feel better. Go to iMatter. To start, click “Youth” to take a short survey and be matched with a therapist. For children under 12, a parent or guardian must help fill out the survey.

I am thinking of calling the police and someone is having a mental health or substance-related crisis.

Co-Responder Programs: These programs pair law enforcement and mental health professionals to respond to police calls. These teams work to de-escalate situations and help link individuals with needed services. Outcomes may include providing resources, transport to a hospital or walk-in clinic, or support for family members. Programs may follow up after the initial call and may work with other community resources to coordinate assistance. For information about local co-responder programs, go to the Co-Responder Programs website under the tab, “What communities in Colorado have Co-Responder Services Funded through OBH?”

Someone I know is in jail and needs help with substance use or mental health.

Jail Based Behavioral Health Services (JBBS): JBBS programs provide appropriate mental health or substance use services to people who are in county jails and often support the transition to care in the community after their release from jail. If your loved one needs mental health or substance use services while they are incarcerated in a county jail, you can call the jail where they are held and ask to speak with the JBBS staff. For more information about JBBS, refer to the Jail Based Behavioral Health Services website.

I am a victim of crime and want more than punishment from the legal system. I committed a crime and want to make things right.

Restorative Justice: Restorative justice approaches wrongdoing by focusing on the needs of the victim, the offender, and the community. Restorative justice practices show high rates of victim satisfaction and offender accountability. The traditional criminal legal system asks: What laws have been broken? Who did it? What punishment do they deserve? Restorative justice asks: Who has been hurt? What are their needs? Whose obligation is it to meet those needs? Restorative justice practices are victim-centered and prioritize victim choice, safety, and support, including choices about whether, when, and how to participate; physical and emotional safety during all interactions; and the support of a qualified facilitator trained to support crime victims. For more information and the restorative justice provider directory, go to the Restorative Justice website.

Someone I know is facing charges. They may not be competent to stand trial due to mental health, substance use, or other brain-based challenges.

Bridges: Bridges Court Liaisons throughout Colorado connect the criminal court and mental health systems. Judges sign court orders to appoint Bridges liaisons in criminal cases. Liaisons work with participants to identify mental health needs, including people who may not be competent to stand trial, and connect them to services. Liaisons inform judges and attorneys about available community services. Liaisons coordinate with the Office of Behavioral Health regarding competency evaluation or restoration. For more information, see the Bridges program.

I am charged with a crime. Do I have any options besides going to trial?

Diversion: Diversion provides an alternate path through the criminal legal system. Goals of diversion include rehabilitation, prevention of future crimes, and repair of harm to crime victims, including payment of restitution. Diversion focuses on accountability, while allowing people to avoid consequences that criminal convictions may bring. Through diversion, people may receive help with challenges that led to their involvement in the criminal legal system, such as treatment for mental health, substance use disorders, or other needs. See contact information for diversion programs.

Problem-Solving Courts (PSCs): Problem-solving courts resolve criminal cases and provide treatment and other services to people charged with a crime. Types of PSCs include adult drug and DUI courts, juvenile drug courts, adult/juvenile mental health or wellness courts, dependency/neglect or family treatment courts (for families with dependency and neglect cases), and veterans’ treatment courts. PSCs vary by court location. To find out what PSCs operate in your area, see Problem Solving Courts.

I am looking for help with substance use.

Substance Use Treatment and 12-Step Meetings: For 12 step meetings, see Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings or Narcotics Anonymous. For referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations, contact SAMHSA’s National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or TTY: 1-800-487-4889, a confidential, free, 24/7, 365 day/year service in English and Spanish for people with mental health and/or substance use disorders. Find treatment at https://findtreatment.samhsa.gov/ or text your zip code to 435748 (HELP4U).

I am in recovery. I am looking for a sober living/recovery residence.

Recovery Residences and Sober Living: Oxford Houses are democratically run, self-supported recovery houses without staff, geared to people committed to recovery. Oxford Houses may not be a fit for those in early recovery needing significant supports. There are over 100 houses in Colorado. For more information, including locations and house vacancies, see the Oxford House website. Colorado Association for Recovery Residences (CARR) certifies recovery residences. Approximately 40 certified residences are located throughout the state. Residences offer varying levels of staffing and support. See Certified Recovery Residences.

I need help with basic needs (food, clothing, shelter, child care, medical/dental/mental health/substance use treatment).

Basic Needs: 2-1-1 Colorado provides a central location where people can get connected to needed resources through a database that is updated daily. Call 2-1-1 to find shelter availability, childcare, rent payment assistance, and more. See 211 Colorado.

I need a lawyer.

Office of the Public Defender (PD): The mission of the Office of the State Public Defender is to defend and protect the rights, liberties, and dignity of those accused of crimes who cannot afford to hire a lawyer. The Office of the PD is required provide legal services to indigent persons accused of crime.  To find a local PD office, see the list of offices.

Colorado Bar Association: For “Find a Colorado Lawyer,” go to Find a Lawyer.

I need information about my court case or date.

To find your location and contact information for court, see refer to the Find a Court.

I need to seal my record. I need court forms for my criminal case.

Colorado Judicial Branch website: For information on criminal matters, including the sealing of records, see Criminal Matters.

I am in an unhealthy relationship and need help.

CDHS Domestic Violence Program: The mission of DVP is to partner with communities to promote the safety and well-being of domestic violence survivors and prevent domestic violence through good stewardship of funding resources and the advancement of quality programming. The vision of DVP is to promote and sustain a culture free of domestic violence for all Coloradans. To find a community-based program near you, go to CDHS domestic violence program link.

Violence Free Colorado: To access the following services, go to Violence Free Colorado: People who can listen and help sort out options; Specially trained advocates who can help with safety planning and information about welfare, CPS, disability services, immigration, housing, employment protections, and more; Emergency or temporary shelter/lodging; Longer term housing for individuals and families; Emergency financial support; Support groups for children, youth, and adults; and legal advocacy, including information about protection orders and other civil matters.

National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-SAFE (7233)

National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline: (866) 331-9474

I want to stop using violence in relationships.

CDHS Resources for people who choose to use abusive behavior: Relationship violence is a choice and you can choose to change. Begin your journey today and reach out to our Colorado-based professionals who are here to help. View a list of Domestic Violence Offender Management Board's approved treatment providers.

Call the A Call for Change Helpline at (877) 898-3411 to talk to someone about the behavior and local resources